IMG - Photo by Joe Lin

Lap Time Analysis - Ron Beard's Saturday Feature Race

Driver Ron Beard
Car # 33
Class F/PA
Make/Model Formula Ford 1600

Session Lap Times

Lap # Time
1 1:02.948
2 0:57.886
3 0:57.744
4 0:58.964
5 0:58.504
6 0:57.403
7 0:57.663
8 0:58.325
9 0:57.570
10 0:57.204
11 0:58.416
12 0:57.784
13 0:57.760
14 0:57.295
15 0:57.309
16 0:57.566
17 0:57.373
18 0:59.266
19 0:58.178
20 0:58.064
21 0:57.283
22 0:57.688
23 0:57.038
24 0:58.415

Performance Summary

In Class Overall Started
3 4 -
Fastest Lap
0:57.038  on lap 23
Fast Five Lap Breakdown
Time On Lap Diff
0:57.038 23 -
0:57.204 10 +0.166 sec
0:57.283 21 +0.245 sec
0:57.295 14 +0.257 sec
0:57.309 15 +0.271 sec
  • 0:57.225 average of five fastest lap times
  • 0.271 seconds between fast lap and 5th fastest