IMG - Photo by Joe Lin

Lap Time Analysis - Roger Maeda's Small Bore Race 2

Driver Roger Maeda
Car # 217
Class PI-5
Make/Model Honda Prelude
Sponsor(s) Team Registration

Session Lap Times

Lap # Time
1 1:14.038
2 1:06.946
3 1:07.530
4 1:08.432
5 1:07.372
6 1:06.936
7 1:05.571
8 1:05.674
9 1:05.599
10 1:06.295
11 1:06.041
12 1:06.538
13 1:06.192
14 1:05.957
15 1:06.254
16 1:07.392
17 1:07.576
18 1:06.179
19 1:09.785
20 1:08.826
21 1:06.233

Performance Summary

In Class Overall Started
1 10 10
Fastest Lap
1:05.571  on lap 7
Fast Five Lap Breakdown
Time On Lap Diff
1:05.571 7 -
1:05.599 9 +0.028 sec
1:05.674 8 +0.103 sec
1:05.957 14 +0.386 sec
1:06.041 11 +0.47 sec
  • 1:05.768 average of five fastest lap times
  • 0.470 seconds between fast lap and 5th fastest

Practice and Qualifying Sessions

Lap times for practice and qualifying sessions for this race are listed below.

Small Bore Qualifying

Lap # Time
1 1:44.026
2 1:53.885
3 1:06.716
4 1:05.994
5 1:07.985
6 1:08.999
7 1:07.861
8 1:08.282
9 1:05.576
10 1:05.485
11 1:05.782
12 1:06.135