IMG - Photo by Joe Lin

Lap Time Analysis - Eric Bellows's Feature Race

Driver Eric Bellows
Car # 311
Class PI-4
Make/Model Ford Mustang GT
Sponsor(s) Rolling Chicane Brothers

Session Lap Times

Lap # Time
1 1:11.721
2 1:03.414
3 1:04.130
4 1:03.981
5 1:03.118
6 1:02.612
7 1:03.086
8 1:03.429
9 1:03.375
10 1:02.528
11 1:02.512
12 1:02.548
13 1:02.496
14 1:03.066
15 1:03.002
16 1:03.405
17 1:02.316
18 1:04.934
19 1:03.057
20 1:03.427
21 1:02.686
22 1:03.372
23 1:04.971
24 1:03.504
24 1:13.222

Performance Summary

In Class Overall Started
1 4 6
Fastest Lap
1:02.316  on lap 17
Fast Five Lap Breakdown
Time On Lap Diff
1:02.316 17 -
1:02.496 13 +0.18 sec
1:02.512 11 +0.196 sec
1:02.528 10 +0.212 sec
1:02.548 12 +0.232 sec
  • 1:02.480 average of five fastest lap times
  • 0.232 seconds between fast lap and 5th fastest

Practice and Qualifying Sessions

Lap times for practice and qualifying sessions for this race are listed below.

Sunday Qualifying

Lap # Time
1 1:04.237
2 1:05.690
3 1:03.949
4 1:03.926
5 1:03.579
6 1:03.698
7 1:04.436
8 1:04.410
9 1:04.278
10 1:04.151
11 1:04.482
12 1:06.071
13 1:06.560
14 1:06.903
15 1:06.273
16 1:10.499