IMG - Photo by Joe Lin

Lap Time Analysis - Charles Turano's 2-Hour Enduro

Driver Charles Turano
Car # 681
Class ESR
Make/Model Entropy Sports Racer
Sponsor(s) Entropy Racing

Session Lap Times

Lap # Time
1 1:05.869
2 1:04.442
3 1:03.852
4 1:03.309
5 1:03.404
6 1:03.325
7 1:04.076
8 1:03.884
9 1:03.749
10 1:03.865
11 1:03.971
12 1:04.278
13 1:04.501
14 1:04.264
15 1:04.573
16 1:04.656
17 1:04.935
18 1:04.292
19 1:04.185
20 1:04.625
21 1:04.959
22 1:04.479
23 1:04.542
24 1:04.675
25 1:04.869
26 1:04.367
27 1:04.360
28 1:04.629
29 1:04.495
30 1:04.348
31 1:04.617
32 1:04.953
33 1:05.300
34 1:04.720
35 1:04.102
36 1:04.472
37 1:04.214
38 1:04.207
39 1:04.142
40 1:04.685
41 1:04.000
42 1:03.579
43 1:03.842
44 1:03.541
45 1:04.465
46 1:04.533
47 1:03.845
48 3:36.919
49 1:04.381
50 1:04.442
51 1:04.054
52 1:05.083
53 1:04.079
54 1:04.009
55 1:04.268
56 1:04.504
57 1:04.139
58 1:04.465
59 1:04.334
60 1:04.428
61 1:04.261
62 1:04.191
63 1:03.959
64 1:03.988
65 1:03.907
66 1:03.956
67 1:03.962
68 1:03.860
69 1:03.680
70 1:03.791
71 1:04.235
72 1:03.794
73 1:03.741
74 1:03.407
75 1:03.624
76 1:03.077
77 1:03.476
78 1:03.294
79 1:03.564
80 1:03.403
81 1:03.718
82 1:04.071
83 1:04.633
84 1:04.215
85 1:04.052
86 1:04.099
87 1:04.009
88 1:04.320
89 1:03.690
90 1:03.618
91 1:03.925
92 1:04.434
93 1:04.438
94 1:03.710
95 1:03.724
96 1:03.995
97 1:03.952
98 1:03.960
99 1:03.716
100 1:04.846
101 1:04.077
102 1:03.537
103 1:03.699
104 1:04.299
105 1:04.299
105 1:17.196

Performance Summary

In Class Overall Started
1 2 2
Fastest Lap
1:03.077  on lap 76
Fast Five Lap Breakdown
Time On Lap Diff
1:03.077 76 -
1:03.294 78 +0.217 sec
1:03.309 4 +0.232 sec
1:03.325 6 +0.248 sec
1:03.403 80 +0.326 sec
  • 1:03.281 average of five fastest lap times
  • 0.326 seconds between fast lap and 5th fastest

Practice and Qualifying Sessions

Lap times for practice and qualifying sessions for this race are listed below.

Enduro Practice

Lap # Time
1 1:04.543
2 1:04.893
3 1:04.257
4 1:03.978
5 1:14.108
6 1:08.790