IMG - Photo by Joe Lin

Lap Time Analysis - John Early's 1-Hour SprintDuro

Driver John Early
Car # 691
Class ESR
Make/Model Entropy Sports Racer
Sponsor(s) Entropy Racing

Session Lap Times

Lap # Time
1 1:11.659
2 1:09.029
3 1:08.075
4 1:08.456
5 1:07.850
6 1:08.365
7 1:08.616
8 1:08.181
9 1:07.455
10 1:06.879
11 1:07.197
12 1:06.563
13 1:10.436
14 1:08.741
15 1:07.527
16 1:10.591
17 1:07.500
18 1:07.709
19 1:07.445
20 1:07.084
21 1:09.077
22 1:18.385
23 1:50.680
24 1:07.704
25 1:07.523
26 1:07.698
27 1:08.394
28 1:09.022
29 1:05.972
30 1:06.518
31 1:05.346
32 1:05.809
33 1:06.406
34 1:06.492
35 1:07.615
36 1:06.764
37 1:07.189
38 1:06.554
39 1:06.600
40 1:06.560

Performance Summary

In Class Overall Started
4 5 10
Fastest Lap
1:05.346  on lap 31
Fast Five Lap Breakdown
Time On Lap Diff
1:05.346 31 -
1:05.809 32 +0.463 sec
1:05.972 29 +0.626 sec
1:06.406 33 +1.06 sec
1:06.492 34 +1.146 sec
  • 1:06.005 average of five fastest lap times
  • 1.146 seconds between fast lap and 5th fastest