IMG - Photo by Joe Lin

Lap Time Analysis - Baron Jacobs's Big Bore Race 2

Driver Baron Jacobs
Car # 81
Class PI-X
Make/Model Porsche GT3 Cup
Sponsor(s) Hairy Dog Grrrage

Session Lap Times

Lap # Time
1 1:00.985
2 0:58.275
3 0:57.721
4 0:57.254
5 0:57.751
6 0:56.811
7 0:57.047
8 0:57.460
9 0:57.360
10 0:57.720
11 0:57.852
12 0:57.907
13 0:57.962
14 0:57.431
15 0:57.299
16 0:58.165
17 0:57.074
18 0:57.047
19 0:58.141
20 0:57.823
21 0:59.929

Performance Summary

In Class Overall Started
1 1 1
Fastest Lap
0:56.811  on lap 6
Fast Five Lap Breakdown
Time On Lap Diff
0:56.811 6 -
0:57.047 7 +0.236 sec
0:57.047 18 +0.236 sec
0:57.074 17 +0.263 sec
0:57.254 4 +0.443 sec
  • 0:57.046 average of five fastest lap times
  • 0.443 seconds between fast lap and 5th fastest

Practice and Qualifying Sessions

Lap times for practice and qualifying sessions for this race are listed below.

Big Bore Qualifying

Lap # Time
1 2:29.844
2 0:56.396
3 0:56.080
4 0:55.739
5 0:55.278
6 1:08.558
7 1:58.106