IMG - Photo by Joe Lin

Lap Time Analysis - Doug McKechnie's Saturday Feature Race

Driver Doug McKechnie
Car # 61
Class FC
Make/Model Euroswift SC93T

Session Lap Times

Lap # Time
1 1:05.406
2 0:57.959
3 0:56.277
4 0:55.432
5 0:56.370
6 0:54.669
7 0:53.559
8 0:53.710
9 0:53.328
10 0:53.131
11 0:54.976
12 0:54.382
13 0:54.275
14 0:53.462
15 0:54.257
16 0:53.270
17 0:53.074
18 0:53.364
19 0:55.108
20 0:59.622
21 0:55.544
22 0:53.745
23 0:54.570
24 0:53.062
25 0:52.683

Performance Summary

In Class Overall Started
1 1 -
Fastest Lap
0:52.683  on lap 25
Fast Five Lap Breakdown
Time On Lap Diff
0:52.683 25 -
0:53.062 24 +0.379 sec
0:53.074 17 +0.391 sec
0:53.131 10 +0.448 sec
0:53.270 16 +0.587 sec
  • 0:53.044 average of five fastest lap times
  • 0.587 seconds between fast lap and 5th fastest