IMG - Photo by Joe Lin

Lap Time Analysis - Daniel Lepore's Time Trial - Saturday

Driver Daniel Lepore
Car # 99
Class PI-2
Make/Model BMW 1M

Session Lap Times

Lap # Time
1 2:58.586
2 1:45.574
3 3:02.307
4 1:26.126
5 1:27.372
6 4:12.125
7 1:54.802
8 1:35.207
9 1:15.406
10 1:14.911
11 1:32.980
12 1:32.505
13 1:18.975
14 1:45.074
15 1:35.139
16 1:13.708
17 2:06.320
18 1:34.973
19 1:16.969
20 1:15.968
21 1:14.426
22 1:20.842
23 1:14.914
24 1:14.306
25 1:45.570

Performance Summary

In Class Overall Started
2 12 -
Fastest Lap
1:13.708  on lap 16
Fast Five Lap Breakdown
Time On Lap Diff
1:13.708 16 -
1:14.306 24 +0.598 sec
1:14.426 21 +0.718 sec
1:14.911 10 +1.203 sec
1:14.914 23 +1.206 sec
  • 1:14.453 average of five fastest lap times
  • 1.206 seconds between fast lap and 5th fastest