IMG - Photo by Joe Lin

Lap Time Analysis - Alex London's Time Trial

Driver Alex London
Car # 58
Class PI-3
Make/Model Honda Civic

Session Lap Times

Lap # Time
1 1:37.641
2 1:17.156
3 1:11.408
4 1:10.740
5 1:10.490
6 1:09.351
7 1:25.668
8 1:11.770
9 2:21.567
10 1:21.707
11 1:10.142
12 1:09.284
13 1:08.555
14 1:08.988
15 1:09.307
16 1:08.161
17 1:07.546
18 1:07.906
19 1:07.272
20 1:08.115
21 1:07.627
22 1:06.905
23 1:07.693
24 1:07.692
25 1:06.779
26 1:40.202
27 1:26.978
28 1:10.844
29 1:12.635
30 1:09.209
31 1:08.259
32 1:08.676
33 1:13.933
34 1:08.787
35 1:07.919
36 1:07.746
37 1:07.033
38 1:06.617
39 1:06.794
40 1:06.887
41 1:06.896
42 1:27.072
43 1:42.115
44 6:12.680
45 2:43.713
46 1:30.426
47 1:06.728
48 1:07.980
49 1:05.088
50 1:07.466
51 1:08.571
52 1:05.577
53 1:04.948
54 1:44.536
55 1:16.581
56 1:07.573
57 1:07.151
58 2:03.161

Performance Summary

In Class Overall Started
4 9 -
Fastest Lap
1:04.948  on lap 53
Fast Five Lap Breakdown
Time On Lap Diff
1:04.948 53 -
1:05.088 49 +0.14 sec
1:05.577 52 +0.629 sec
1:06.617 38 +1.669 sec
1:06.728 47 +1.78 sec
  • 1:05.791 average of five fastest lap times
  • 1.780 seconds between fast lap and 5th fastest