IMG - Photo by Joe Lin

Lap Time Analysis - Kemal Rahman's Time Trial - Sunday

Driver Kemal Rahman
Car # 64
Class PI-3
Make/Model Honda CRX

Session Lap Times

Lap # Time
1 1:10.183
2 1:05.747
3 1:02.114
4 1:00.586
5 1:01.157
6 1:00.248
7 0:59.834
8 0:59.528
9 1:01.811
10 1:00.849
11 1:01.922
12 2:05.045
13 1:07.470
14 1:02.629
15 1:00.779
16 1:00.099
17 0:59.720
18 0:58.981
34 0:59.582
35 1:03.763
36 1:00.834
37 0:59.919
38 1:01.011
39 1:00.389
40 1:03.209
41 1:01.369
42 0:59.322
43 1:04.888
44 0:58.831
45 0:59.144
46 0:59.590
47 0:58.777
48 0:59.288
49 1:01.524
50 0:59.321
51 1:01.357
52 0:59.545
53 0:59.389
54 0:59.316
55 0:59.479
56 1:00.059
57 0:59.305
58 0:59.138
59 0:58.662
60 0:58.933
61 1:02.711
62 1:00.745
63 1:01.202
64 1:02.168

Performance Summary

In Class Overall Started
2 4 -
Fastest Lap
0:58.662  on lap 59
Fast Five Lap Breakdown
Time On Lap Diff
0:58.662 59 -
0:58.777 47 +0.115 sec
0:58.831 44 +0.169 sec
0:58.933 60 +0.271 sec
0:58.981 18 +0.319 sec
  • 0:58.836 average of five fastest lap times
  • 0.319 seconds between fast lap and 5th fastest