IMG - Photo by Joe Lin

Lap Time Analysis - Stephen Esposito's Time Trial - Friday

Driver Stephen Esposito
Car # 21
Class PI-2
Make/Model Ford Mustang
Sponsor(s) Motorcraft

Session Lap Times

Lap # Time
1 1:09.673
2 1:06.443
3 1:05.529
4 1:14.118
5 1:09.421
6 1:12.738
7 1:05.449
8 1:04.556
9 1:13.177
10 1:05.230
11 1:14.124
12 1:09.072
13 1:05.712
14 1:04.279
15 1:04.963
16 1:38.840
17 1:05.860
18 1:05.460
19 1:06.741
20 1:12.490
21 1:05.727
22 1:06.702
23 1:10.487
24 1:04.078
25 1:05.135
26 1:06.689
27 1:06.955
28 1:06.778
29 1:04.871
30 1:05.481
31 1:05.267
32 1:28.463
33 1:04.408
34 1:06.554
35 1:06.770
36 1:05.275
37 1:05.032
38 1:04.122
39 1:04.661
40 1:03.858
41 1:07.520
42 1:07.481
43 1:21.596
44 1:43.681
45 1:05.018
46 1:04.799
47 1:04.796
48 1:05.129
49 1:07.522
50 1:04.513
51 1:05.158
52 1:05.177
53 1:04.852
54 1:04.250
55 1:04.701
56 1:06.885
57 1:04.133
58 1:03.953
59 1:04.819
60 1:04.637
61 1:35.002

Performance Summary

In Class Overall Started
2 3 -
Fastest Lap
1:03.858  on lap 40
Fast Five Lap Breakdown
Time On Lap Diff
1:03.858 40 -
1:03.953 58 +0.095 sec
1:04.078 24 +0.22 sec
1:04.122 38 +0.264 sec
1:04.133 57 +0.275 sec
  • 1:04.028 average of five fastest lap times
  • 0.275 seconds between fast lap and 5th fastest