IMG - Photo by Joe Lin

Lap Time Analysis - Mark Samaroo's Time Trial - Sunday

Driver Mark Samaroo
Car # 95
Class PI-5
Make/Model Mazda RX-8

Session Lap Times

Lap # Time
1 1:16.496
2 1:13.325
3 1:19.291
4 1:11.267
5 1:12.092
6 1:10.404
7 1:10.885
8 1:18.471
9 1:08.741
10 1:10.071
11 1:09.766
12 1:10.125
13 1:09.563
14 1:14.912
15 1:10.123
15 1:08.882
16 1:09.656
17 1:10.255
18 11:27.059
19 1:15.947
20 1:09.931
21 1:15.059
22 1:10.490
23 1:09.477
24 1:12.209
25 1:10.178
26 1:13.009
27 1:10.261
28 1:09.417
29 1:09.918
30 1:10.972
31 1:10.216
32 1:14.093
33 1:11.673
34 1:10.604
35 1:12.391
36 1:08.786
37 1:10.826
38 1:09.374
39 1:10.858
40 1:09.235
41 1:09.848
42 1:09.725
43 1:09.943
44 1:09.392
45 1:10.584
46 1:08.277
47 1:09.274
48 1:10.078
49 1:10.100
50 1:08.489
51 1:07.773
52 1:08.386
53 1:08.335
54 1:08.251
55 1:12.665
56 1:08.537
57 1:07.855
58 1:07.523
59 1:08.126
60 1:10.761
61 1:10.548
62 1:07.509
63 1:08.297
64 1:08.381
65 1:07.573
66 1:12.590
67 1:09.808
68 1:11.968
69 1:10.369
70 1:09.455
71 1:07.799
72 1:07.419
73 1:07.329
74 1:06.546
75 1:07.266
76 1:08.857
77 1:08.040
78 1:08.713
79 1:07.790
80 1:07.579
81 1:07.573
82 1:07.914
83 1:07.798
84 1:08.005
85 1:10.001

Performance Summary

In Class Overall Started
5 25 -
Fastest Lap
1:06.546  on lap 74
Fast Five Lap Breakdown
Time On Lap Diff
1:06.546 74 -
1:07.266 75 +0.72 sec
1:07.329 73 +0.783 sec
1:07.419 72 +0.873 sec
1:07.509 62 +0.963 sec
  • 1:07.213 average of five fastest lap times
  • 0.963 seconds between fast lap and 5th fastest