IMG - Photo by Joe Lin

Lap Time Analysis - Gary Hutchinson's Feature Race

Driver Gary Hutchinson
Car # 3
Class PI-X
Make/Model Radical SR3
Sponsor(s) Accurate Air Technologies

Session Lap Times

Lap # Time
1 1:03.770
2 1:00.443
3 1:01.588
4 0:59.675
5 0:59.211
6 0:59.352
7 0:59.552
8 1:00.714
9 0:59.966
10 1:00.590
11 1:00.842
12 1:03.570
13 1:00.683
14 1:00.004
15 0:59.505
16 0:59.340
17 0:59.183
18 1:00.862
19 0:59.404

Performance Summary

In Class Overall Started
2 2 2
Fastest Lap
0:59.183  on lap 17
Fast Five Lap Breakdown
Time On Lap Diff
0:59.183 17 -
0:59.211 5 +0.028 sec
0:59.340 16 +0.157 sec
0:59.352 6 +0.169 sec
0:59.404 19 +0.221 sec
  • 0:59.298 average of five fastest lap times
  • 0.221 seconds between fast lap and 5th fastest