IMG - Photo by Joe Lin

Lap Time Analysis - Christopher Gomes's Time Trial - Sunday

Driver Christopher Gomes
Car # 36
Class PI-3
Make/Model Honda Civic DX
Sponsor(s) Shawnee Transportation

Session Lap Times

Lap # Time
1 1:09.067
2 1:06.910
3 1:04.286
4 1:02.827
5 1:02.439
6 1:02.908
7 1:01.530
8 1:01.564
9 1:02.018
10 1:02.298
11 1:02.747
12 1:01.782
13 1:02.119
14 1:01.396
15 1:01.032
16 1:00.895
17 1:01.104
18 1:01.368
19 1:07.067
20 1:00.311
21 0:59.975
22 1:01.034
23 1:00.646
24 1:01.379
25 1:04.033
26 1:02.394
27 1:01.024
28 1:01.340
29 1:00.867
30 1:00.789
31 1:02.425
32 1:00.699
33 1:00.815
34 1:00.842
35 1:04.122
36 1:09.164
37 1:01.075
38 1:01.151
39 11:46.986
40 1:16.253
41 1:02.594
42 1:02.469
43 1:02.202
44 1:00.982
45 1:01.759
46 1:42.518
47 1:00.350
48 1:00.055
49 0:59.816
50 1:02.738
51 1:00.722
52 1:02.127
53 1:00.149
54 1:00.559
55 1:01.039
56 1:02.074
57 1:00.200
58 1:00.171
59 1:00.126
60 1:00.478
61 0:59.609
62 1:00.404
63 3:34.211
64 1:00.900
65 1:00.441
66 0:59.779
67 0:59.993
68 1:00.194
69 1:00.015
70 0:59.952

Performance Summary

In Class Overall Started
2 4 -
Fastest Lap
0:59.609  on lap 61
Fast Five Lap Breakdown
Time On Lap Diff
0:59.609 61 -
0:59.779 66 +0.17 sec
0:59.816 49 +0.207 sec
0:59.952 70 +0.343 sec
0:59.975 21 +0.366 sec
  • 0:59.826 average of five fastest lap times
  • 0.366 seconds between fast lap and 5th fastest