IMG - Photo by Joe Lin

Lap Time Analysis - Larry Lacey's Time Trial - Saturday

Driver Larry Lacey
Car # 69
Class PI-4
Make/Model Subaru BRZ
Sponsor(s) GPA Racing, Nino Performance, Zep

Session Lap Times

Lap # Time
1 2:00.568
2 1:48.192
3 1:44.971
4 1:40.037
5 1:48.977
6 1:43.659
7 1:40.526
8 1:47.586
9 1:39.589
10 1:50.836
11 1:41.552
12 1:37.298
13 1:40.754
14 1:39.213
15 1:36.784
16 1:37.577
17 1:38.085
18 1:38.457
19 1:37.823
20 1:37.991
21 1:36.570
22 1:37.338
23 1:45.809
24 1:38.037
25 1:37.227
26 1:37.019
27 1:36.914
28 1:36.982
29 1:36.629
30 1:36.490
31 1:36.178

Performance Summary

In Class Overall Started
2 7 -
Fastest Lap
1:36.178  on lap 31
Fast Five Lap Breakdown
Time On Lap Diff
1:36.178 31 -
1:36.490 30 +0.312 sec
1:36.570 21 +0.392 sec
1:36.629 29 +0.451 sec
1:36.784 15 +0.606 sec
  • 1:36.530 average of five fastest lap times
  • 0.606 seconds between fast lap and 5th fastest