IMG - Photo by Joe Lin

Lap Time Analysis - Chazz Logue's Small Bore Feature Race

Driver Chazz Logue
Car # 63
Class PI-5
Make/Model Nissan 240sx

Session Lap Times

Lap # Time
1 1:14.653
2 1:08.810
3 1:09.895
4 1:08.795
5 1:08.581
6 1:08.560
7 1:08.647
8 1:08.578
9 1:10.002
10 1:09.733
11 1:09.035
12 1:09.892
13 1:09.069
14 1:10.101
15 1:10.043
16 1:09.035
17 1:09.604
18 1:08.312

Performance Summary

In Class Overall Started
2 12 13
Fastest Lap
1:08.312  on lap 18
Fast Five Lap Breakdown
Time On Lap Diff
1:08.312 18 -
1:08.560 6 +0.248 sec
1:08.578 8 +0.266 sec
1:08.581 5 +0.269 sec
1:08.647 7 +0.335 sec
  • 1:08.535 average of five fastest lap times
  • 0.335 seconds between fast lap and 5th fastest