IMG - Photo by Joe Lin

Lap Time Analysis - Clay Cazier's Time Trial

Driver Clay Cazier
Car # 66
Class PI-2
Make/Model Cadillac CTS-V

Session Lap Times

Lap # Time
1 1:31.101
2 1:13.694
3 1:10.546
4 1:12.012
5 1:11.865
6 1:13.260
7 1:14.366
8 1:10.931
9 1:13.947
10 1:09.937
11 1:07.945
12 1:08.206
13 1:10.224
14 1:08.404
15 1:07.419
16 1:06.297
17 1:09.321
18 1:08.703
19 1:09.141
20 1:08.325
21 1:08.102
22 1:09.004
23 1:06.297
24 1:37.283
25 1:22.752
26 1:07.943
27 1:06.058
28 1:05.542
29 1:06.818
30 1:10.027
31 1:06.708
32 1:08.928
33 1:06.379
34 1:07.632
35 1:07.216
36 1:06.292
37 1:06.040
38 1:09.891
39 1:06.813
40 1:07.430
41 1:06.381
42 1:06.420
43 1:05.886
44 1:29.692

Performance Summary

In Class Overall Started
4 11 -
Fastest Lap
1:05.542  on lap 28
Fast Five Lap Breakdown
Time On Lap Diff
1:05.542 28 -
1:05.886 43 +0.344 sec
1:06.040 37 +0.498 sec
1:06.058 27 +0.516 sec
1:06.292 36 +0.75 sec
  • 1:05.963 average of five fastest lap times
  • 0.750 seconds between fast lap and 5th fastest