IMG - Photo by Joe Lin

Lap Time Analysis - Doug Bellows / Eric Bellows 's 2-Hour SprintDuro

Driver Doug Bellows / Eric Bellows
Car # 311
Class PI-4
Make/Model Ford Mustang GT
Sponsor(s) Rolling Chicane Brothers

Session Lap Times

Lap # Time
1 1:05.857
2 1:04.059
3 1:02.138
4 1:02.637
5 1:02.241
6 1:02.179
7 1:02.430
8 1:02.429
9 1:02.887
10 1:02.929
11 1:02.228
12 1:04.345
13 1:02.819
14 1:02.491
15 1:03.433
16 1:02.835
17 1:01.898
18 1:01.894
19 1:01.924
20 1:02.066
21 1:03.236
22 1:02.158
23 1:02.538
24 1:02.886
25 1:03.879
26 1:03.768
27 1:02.842
28 1:03.017
29 1:03.103
30 1:02.868
31 1:02.804
32 1:02.832
33 1:02.293
34 1:02.571
35 1:02.271
36 1:02.186
37 1:02.580
38 1:02.112
39 1:01.945
40 1:01.928
41 1:02.154
42 1:02.156
43 1:01.719
44 1:01.957
45 1:02.907
46 1:01.940
47 1:02.445
48 1:02.593
49 1:02.831
50 1:02.710
51 1:02.791
52 1:02.520
53 1:02.873
54 3:12.355
55 1:03.779
56 1:03.054
57 1:03.652
58 5:44.955
59 1:03.460
60 1:03.239
61 1:02.263
62 1:02.496
63 1:02.479
64 1:02.167
65 1:03.357
66 1:03.114
67 1:02.946
68 1:02.620
69 1:02.605
70 1:02.867
71 1:03.164
72 1:02.482
73 1:02.220
74 1:02.557
75 1:02.114
76 1:02.414
77 1:02.624
78 1:03.007
79 1:03.303
80 1:02.723
81 1:02.677
82 1:02.605
83 1:03.124
84 1:02.587
85 1:03.501
86 1:03.196
87 1:03.683
88 1:03.469
89 1:06.973
90 1:04.522
91 1:03.179
92 1:02.878
93 2:07.059
94 1:14.485
95 1:03.434
96 1:03.460
97 1:05.060
98 1:03.895
99 1:04.232
100 1:04.153
101 1:05.547
102 1:04.823
103 1:04.714

Performance Summary

In Class Overall Started
2 8 -
Fastest Lap
1:01.719  on lap 43
Fast Five Lap Breakdown
Time On Lap Diff
1:01.719 43 -
1:01.894 18 +0.175 sec
1:01.898 17 +0.179 sec
1:01.924 19 +0.205 sec
1:01.928 40 +0.209 sec
  • 1:01.872 average of five fastest lap times
  • 0.209 seconds between fast lap and 5th fastest