IMG - Photo by Joe Lin

Lap Time Analysis - Doug Bellows / Eric Bellows 's 2-Hour SprintDuro

Driver Doug Bellows / Eric Bellows
Car # 311
Class PI-4
Make/Model Ford Mustang GT
Sponsor(s) Rolling Chicane Brothers

Session Lap Times

Lap # Time
1 1:24.180
2 1:20.963
3 1:19.586
4 1:19.731
5 1:20.196
6 1:20.160
7 1:19.972
8 1:20.917
9 1:19.525
10 1:20.674
11 1:19.825
12 1:19.978
13 1:19.666
14 1:19.217
15 1:20.029
16 1:20.467
17 1:20.697
18 1:20.559
19 1:21.106
20 1:19.486
21 1:19.875
22 1:20.159
23 1:19.847
24 1:19.911
25 1:19.965
26 1:20.350
27 1:21.413
28 1:21.035
29 1:21.537
30 1:20.153
31 1:21.140
32 1:20.132
33 1:20.231
34 1:20.787
35 1:20.992
36 1:21.431
37 4:39.120
38 1:32.376
39 1:23.038
40 1:23.885
41 1:21.555
42 1:21.183
43 1:20.974
44 1:20.790
45 1:20.801
46 1:21.520
47 1:20.742
48 1:21.037
49 1:21.182
50 1:21.600
51 1:22.327
52 1:21.230
53 1:21.668
54 1:21.071
55 1:21.738
56 1:21.707
57 1:21.861
58 1:21.403
59 1:21.441
60 1:21.021
61 1:22.526
62 1:21.028
63 1:20.656
64 1:20.581
65 1:21.294
66 1:20.875
67 1:21.704
68 1:22.427
69 1:21.954
70 1:21.584
71 1:21.605
72 1:21.918
73 1:22.652
74 1:22.694
75 1:22.473
76 1:22.629
77 1:22.610
78 1:22.097
79 1:23.567
80 1:24.030
81 1:24.940
82 1:25.413
83 1:27.393

Performance Summary

In Class Overall Started
1 2 2
Fastest Lap
1:19.217  on lap 14
Fast Five Lap Breakdown
Time On Lap Diff
1:19.217 14 -
1:19.486 20 +0.269 sec
1:19.525 9 +0.308 sec
1:19.586 3 +0.369 sec
1:19.666 13 +0.449 sec
  • 1:19.496 average of five fastest lap times
  • 0.449 seconds between fast lap and 5th fastest