IMG - Photo by Joe Lin

Lap Time Analysis - Doug Bellows / Eric Bellows 's 2-Hour Enduro

Driver Doug Bellows / Eric Bellows
Car # 311
Class PI-4
Make/Model Ford Mustang GT
Sponsor(s) Rolling Chicane Brothers

Session Lap Times

Lap # Time
1 1:03.785
2 1:03.736
3 1:03.677
4 1:03.170
5 1:03.024
6 1:02.948
7 1:03.271
8 1:03.652
9 1:03.402
10 1:03.314
11 1:03.451
12 1:03.522
13 1:03.501
14 1:03.228
15 1:03.071
16 1:07.797
17 1:03.962
18 1:03.304
19 1:03.361
20 1:03.542
21 1:03.525
22 1:03.738
23 1:03.900
24 1:03.818
25 1:02.855
26 1:03.319
27 1:03.280
28 1:03.065
29 1:04.671
30 1:03.259
31 1:03.620
32 1:03.324
33 1:03.280
34 1:03.198
35 1:03.051
36 1:03.473
37 1:03.094
38 1:03.075
39 1:03.165
40 1:02.970
41 1:02.575
42 1:02.752
43 1:02.835
44 1:03.268
45 1:03.094
46 1:03.156
47 1:02.928
48 1:02.669
49 1:02.838
50 1:02.551
51 1:02.333
52 1:02.425
53 1:03.274
54 1:03.444
55 1:04.586
56 1:05.533
57 4:40.135
58 1:05.778
59 1:04.851
60 1:04.496
61 1:04.589
62 1:04.731
63 1:04.134
64 1:03.939
65 1:04.063
66 1:04.360
67 1:04.048
68 1:04.247
69 1:03.998
70 1:04.061
71 1:03.831
72 1:04.202
73 1:03.959
74 1:04.222
75 1:03.363
76 1:03.632
77 1:04.335
78 1:04.428
79 1:03.473
80 1:03.534
81 1:03.158
82 1:03.281
83 1:02.953
84 1:03.585
85 1:03.392
86 1:03.883
87 1:03.433
88 1:03.712
89 1:03.874
90 1:03.321
91 1:03.947
92 1:04.437
93 1:04.494
94 1:04.589
95 1:04.257
96 1:03.673
97 1:03.535
98 1:03.850
99 1:03.905
100 1:03.651
101 1:03.668
102 1:04.084
103 1:03.779
104 1:03.811
105 1:06.964

Performance Summary

In Class Overall Started
1 3 6
Fastest Lap
1:02.333  on lap 51
Fast Five Lap Breakdown
Time On Lap Diff
1:02.333 51 -
1:02.425 52 +0.092 sec
1:02.551 50 +0.218 sec
1:02.575 41 +0.242 sec
1:02.669 48 +0.336 sec
  • 1:02.510 average of five fastest lap times
  • 0.336 seconds between fast lap and 5th fastest

Practice and Qualifying Sessions

Lap times for practice and qualifying sessions for this race are listed below.

Enduro Practice

Lap # Time
1 1:07.436
2 1:06.383
3 4:14.667
4 1:14.850
5 2:18.593