IMG - Photo by Joe Lin

Lap Time Analysis - Greg Saunders's 6 Lap Pole Sprints

Driver Greg Saunders
Car # 12
Class F1600

Session Lap Times

Lap # Time
1 1:16.181
2 1:09.779
3 1:10.433
4 1:09.609
5 1:10.348
6 1:08.546

Performance Summary

In Class Overall Started
2 9 3
Fastest Lap
1:08.546  on lap 6
Fast Five Lap Breakdown
Time On Lap Diff
1:08.546 6 -
1:09.609 4 +1.063 sec
1:09.779 2 +1.233 sec
1:10.348 5 +1.802 sec
1:10.433 3 +1.887 sec
  • 1:09.743 average of five fastest lap times
  • 1.887 seconds between fast lap and 5th fastest

Practice and Qualifying Sessions

Lap times for practice and qualifying sessions for this race are listed below.


Lap # Time
1 1:13.462
2 1:12.509
3 1:14.551
4 1:11.358
5 1:09.737
6 1:09.511
7 1:08.913
8 1:09.148
9 1:09.342
10 1:08.430
11 1:10.399
12 1:08.953
13 1:08.244

Practice 1

Lap # Time
1 1:20.029
2 1:16.223
3 1:12.077
4 1:10.620
5 1:23.346
6 2:45.799
7 1:11.546
8 1:09.748
9 1:08.918
10 1:07.734
11 1:23.214
12 1:10.770
13 1:12.782
14 1:25.164

Practice 2

Lap # Time
1 1:33.311
2 1:13.735
3 1:10.949
4 1:17.670
5 1:10.258
6 1:41.126
7 3:36.255