IMG - Photo by Joe Lin

Lap Time Analysis - Keith McCrone's 22 Lap Sprint Race

Driver Keith McCrone
Car # 0
Class Wing

Session Lap Times

Lap # Time
1 1:03.682
2 1:00.630
3 1:00.333
4 0:59.335
5 0:59.077
6 0:59.568
7 0:59.582
8 1:02.347
9 1:06.362
10 1:00.625
11 1:02.365
12 1:00.137
13 1:00.753
14 1:00.546
15 0:59.296
16 0:59.621
17 1:01.154
18 0:59.413
19 0:59.833
20 1:01.564
21 1:15.244

Performance Summary

In Class Overall Started
1 6 1
Fastest Lap
0:59.077  on lap 5
Fast Five Lap Breakdown
Time On Lap Diff
0:59.077 5 -
0:59.296 15 +0.219 sec
0:59.335 4 +0.258 sec
0:59.413 18 +0.336 sec
0:59.568 6 +0.491 sec
  • 0:59.337 average of five fastest lap times
  • 0.491 seconds between fast lap and 5th fastest

Practice and Qualifying Sessions

Lap times for practice and qualifying sessions for this race are listed below.


Lap # Time
1 1:04.282
2 1:01.146
3 0:59.251
4 1:00.995
5 0:58.758
6 0:58.228
7 1:03.135
8 0:59.021
9 1:03.130
10 1:11.677
11 3:35.864
12 0:58.717
12 1:11.217


Lap # Time
1 1:26.793
2 1:09.737
3 1:01.067
4 1:15.714
5 2:41.448
6 1:00.001
7 1:04.301
8 0:59.421
9 1:00.548
10 1:00.720
11 0:58.715
12 1:02.556
13 1:00.139
14 0:58.334
15 1:09.788
16 3:21.724
17 1:00.829
18 0:58.378
19 0:59.818
20 1:14.023