IMG - Photo by Joe Lin

Lap Time Analysis - Oscar Pacheco's 6 Lap Pole Sprints

Driver Oscar Pacheco
Car # 29
Class F/PA
Make/Model Van Diemen FF

Session Lap Times

Lap # Time
1 1:14.227
2 1:21.555
3 1:07.655
4 1:08.150
5 1:07.621
6 1:08.152

Performance Summary

In Class Overall Started
7 13 6
Fastest Lap
1:07.621  on lap 5
Fast Five Lap Breakdown
Time On Lap Diff
1:07.621 5 -
1:07.655 3 +0.034 sec
1:08.150 4 +0.529 sec
1:08.152 6 +0.531 sec
1:14.227 1 +6.606 sec
  • 1:09.161 average of five fastest lap times
  • 6.606 seconds between fast lap and 5th fastest

Practice and Qualifying Sessions

Lap times for practice and qualifying sessions for this race are listed below.


Lap # Time
1 1:34.125
2 1:07.765
3 1:06.919
4 1:08.292
5 1:10.256
6 1:07.564
7 1:11.344
8 1:07.839
9 1:07.343
10 1:07.011
11 1:07.358
12 1:21.785

Practice 1

Lap # Time
1 1:15.090
2 1:12.849
3 1:09.351
4 1:11.082
5 1:09.490
6 1:09.077
7 1:11.123
8 1:08.344
9 1:14.554
10 1:14.325
11 1:10.397
12 1:08.940
13 1:31.277

Practice 2

Lap # Time
1 1:35.906
2 1:11.854
3 1:14.947
4 1:09.133
5 1:07.784
6 1:07.771
7 1:08.202
8 2:24.693
9 3:24.545
10 1:06.039
11 1:07.257