IMG - Photo by Joe Lin

Lap Time Analysis - Jon Coffin's Qualifying Sprint 2

Driver Jon Coffin
Car # 06
Class ESR
Make/Model Entropy Sports Racer

Session Lap Times

Lap # Time
1 1:17.902
2 1:17.229
3 1:12.859
4 1:15.997
5 1:16.900
6 1:20.392
7 1:19.135
8 1:21.635
9 1:18.995
10 1:17.484
11 1:19.809
12 1:24.558
12 2:21.966

Performance Summary

In Class Overall Started
6 12 7
Fastest Lap
1:12.859  on lap 3
Fast Five Lap Breakdown
Time On Lap Diff
1:12.859 3 -
1:15.997 4 +3.138 sec
1:16.900 5 +4.041 sec
1:17.229 2 +4.37 sec
1:17.484 10 +4.625 sec
  • 1:16.093 average of five fastest lap times
  • 4.625 seconds between fast lap and 5th fastest

Practice and Qualifying Sessions

Lap times for practice and qualifying sessions for this race are listed below.


Lap # Time
1 1:24.383
2 1:11.638
3 1:11.073
4 1:11.503
5 1:12.254
6 1:11.759
7 1:11.594
8 1:11.295
9 1:12.252
10 1:12.891
11 1:12.816
12 1:12.753
13 1:12.737


Lap # Time
1 1:17.748
2 1:14.986
3 1:13.699
4 1:15.101
5 1:13.150
6 1:13.470
7 1:13.053
8 1:14.386
9 1:15.407
10 1:13.737
11 1:14.819
12 1:15.000