IMG - Photo by Joe Lin

Lap Time Analysis - Carlos Foxworthy's Time Trial - Saturday

Driver Carlos Foxworthy
Car # 117
Make/Model BMW M3

Session Lap Times

Lap # Time
1 1:59.433
2 1:24.411
3 1:20.287
4 1:20.548
5 1:20.958
6 1:26.894
7 1:28.420
8 1:26.322
9 1:25.514
10 1:24.260
11 1:24.004
12 1:22.912
13 1:51.196
14 1:49.179
15 1:46.097
16 1:46.290
17 1:46.072
18 1:20.020
19 1:19.179
20 1:18.134
21 1:18.674
22 1:17.685
23 1:17.647
24 1:17.067
25 1:19.481
26 1:17.779
27 1:44.315
28 1:18.503
29 1:18.811
30 1:17.060
31 1:16.588
32 1:17.155
33 1:16.796
34 1:18.340
35 1:16.845
36 1:23.107
37 1:17.624
38 1:17.777
39 1:17.447
40 1:16.777
41 1:17.208
42 1:17.488
43 1:38.658

Performance Summary

In Class Overall Started
2 2 -
Fastest Lap
1:16.588  on lap 31
Fast Five Lap Breakdown
Time On Lap Diff
1:16.588 31 -
1:16.777 40 +0.189 sec
1:16.796 33 +0.208 sec
1:16.845 35 +0.257 sec
1:17.060 30 +0.472 sec
  • 1:16.813 average of five fastest lap times
  • 0.472 seconds between fast lap and 5th fastest